How to Send Free Text Messages (SMS) via Email

    This tip is not limited to Windows computers only: It is useful for any device that you use to send Email: iPhone, MacBook, Blackberry, etc.

    If until now you have been thinking that the only way to send a text message (SMS) is via your cell phone (and be charged for it!), here is the scoop: You can use any device that can send email (laptop, iPhone, Blackberry, a PC in an Internet cafe, etc.) to send an SMS -- for FREE!

    Here is how:

    1. Using your favorite email client (e.g. Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Eudora, Gmail, etc.) create the message you want to send.
    2. In the 'To:' field, enter the person's phone number as 10-digits with no dashes (e.g. 4083853229 instead of 408-385-3229), followed by @ and the domain name of the person's wireless carrier. To send an SMS to a Verizon subscriber, for example, enter:
    3. Send your message

    The following is a list of  SMS domain names for major wireless carriers in the United States:

    Note: The person receiving the message will still pay for it. It will be free for you only.

    Virgin Mobilevmobl.com408385322